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ABOUT Isla Negra

Its name comes from the inspiration of the chilean writer and poet Pablo Neruda, who sat in front of his house overlooking the Pacific Ocean from where he observed a black stone in the middle of the waters. Hence, the name of this town is “Isla Negra” even though it is not an island.

Since the archaic period of the American continent, this area has been inhabited by hunters and gatherers corresponding to the time, for the year 11,000 BC.

Then came the Incas, who were displaced by the Spanish colonizers; by this time the island was known as Quebrada Calvín or Principado de Austrias.

Isla Negra belongs to the commune of El Quisco, in the Valparaíso Region, just 45 kilometers away from Valparaíso and 96 kilometers away from the city of Santiago. It is a tourist destination for several reasons. One of them is the coastal beauty of this town, as it gives us a view of the endless blue waters of the Pacific Ocean.

Like Neruda, you will fall in love with the constant lullaby of the waves, its streets that border the sea, the houses with an air of the 60s full of peace and love, like its people. Likewise, the Isla Negra Artisan Fair will perch before you, where you will find beauties made by the hands of its people, and suddenly come across the omnipresent ghost of Neruda. Without a doubt, if poetry is your thing, Isla Negra is your destination.

Isla Negra, as part of the El Quisco commune, belongs to the Litoral de las Artes y los Poetas, since it was a cultural space that was forged by the Chilean poets Pablo Neruda, Vicente Huidobro and Nicanor Parra.

Regarding the climate, due to its geographical location, it has a Mediterranean climate with dry and hot summers (although the temperature very rarely exceeds 30 ° C), and humid winters with constant rainfall and a constant 11 ° C.

It is a tourist point of reference on the central coast as it offers a variety of options to stay and many places to try typical Chilean food. In addition, it offers the opportunity to do water sports.

One of the main tourist attractions of Isla Negra is the house that Pablo Neruda built on the seashore to admire the beauty of the ocean. The House of Isla Negra is one of the three houses that the Chilean poet had in the country. It is currently a museum managed by the Neruda Foundation and in addition to a souvenir shop and objects related to the poet, it has a cultural center where exhibitions, conferences and poetry recitals are held, and a restaurant where you can taste the famous Caldillo de Congrio made according to the recipe that the poet himself immortalized in his well-known "Ode to Caldillo de Congrio".

If you wonder how to get to Isla Negra, we tell you that most of the intercity buses that arrive in this town leave from Santiago, Valparaíso or San Antonio, and arrive at the stops designated by the same companies. The main companies that travel to Isla Negra are: Pullman Costa Central and Bahía Azul.

tipsTips de viaje para Isla Negra


Route Price
Valparaíso to Isla Negra Book
Santiago to Isla Negra Book
Valparaíso to Isla Negra Book
Valparaíso to Isla Negra Book
Valparaíso to Isla Negra Book

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Katerine Morales
Necesito saber que permisos piden para poder viajar de talca a Concepción

Oswaldo Guevara
Falta buse para los andes

Alejandro Cerna
Hola consulta. Un bus que parta , de santiago hacia laraquete ?Saludos

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